Stay Curious. Stay Open. Stay Magic.


Welcome to my little corner on the big, vast information highway. I am so glad you are taking the time to connect with me. I am a Transformative Coach, Bachelor’s Prepared Registered Nurse and a Multi-passionate Woman. I seek to live WIDE OPEN and HEART FORWARD in everything I do. Seeking opportunities to learn more about WHO I am, WHY I am here, and LIVE unapologetically free. Free of shame, of judgement, of self-criticism.

This has led me on a journey of Self Exploration and Self Discovery into my own personal landscape. A journey that has led me to a life of adventure, intuition, love, alignment and overall WHOLE wellness, Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Intuition is telling me you are on your own journey. And while our stories may differ, they are rooted in the same desires.

A desire to BE SEEN, BE HEARD, BE EMPOWERED, BE SUPPORTED, BE WHOLE. Uncensored, Uninhibited, Fully Embodied. You know there is more to this life, a deeper yearning, a deeper calling. That there is more to this life than just going through the motions, to playing small. You have a beautiful voice and deep within you, it is DYING to be heard.

You have come to the right space. You can do this! Your soul knows what to do. This space is for the modern seeker, the curious explorer, the passionate human BEING. Stripping away the human DOING. Embodying who we truly are.

I specialize in intersecting Spirituality and Energetic Embodiment with the Science of Humanity. Allowing you to blueprint your own healing journey, to live in harmony with yourself.

A Different Approach to Coaching

I wish to breathe new life into the hearts of others.  Allow others to shed their old stories, often rooted in fear and conditioning, and rise. It is a culmination of my roots in nature, my service as a nurse, my teachings, both earthly and divine, my connection to my sensuality and Divine Feminine and the transformative approach to coaching. I carry a passion for creativity, as well as a drive to serve, to heal, to nurture. I promise to hold space for you with unconditional love and support. Always for your highest good.


Working with Heather allowed me to remember and embody my inner strength, which increased my confidence and my willingness to be vulnerable. It gave me the confidence to be my true self and to not be afraid of letting myself be seen. This has allowed my professional and personal relationships to grow and prosper.
— Renee Buerger, BSN, BA, RN, HNB-BC, Reiki Master, SME

Reclaim your Life

Ready to take the next step?

My signature approach to coaching weaves the wisdom of nature, the ancients, breath work, playfulness, curiosity, movement, intuition, and honored sacred space. Together we will find deeper connection to world within you and the world around you.

It’s time to connect to your life and light  

I have had many people open up to me, and just tell me how they are drawn to or admire my energy and outlook on life.... all without me initiating any of those conversations. It has been a catalyst in that by guiding me to be my true self, you have also helped me shine my light that is recognized by many others as well.

Life just seems to align so easily when you learn your true self, speak that truth, and learn to be present in every moment.
— Dani, Ohio